Sunday, July 24, 2011

hangout with ze friends bfore im going back to perak

last friday i guess and my friends spending time together fer the last time bfore im going back to perak.ohh em gee..i soo gonna miss them..time kiteorang jalan2 suddenly i saw stall yg jual cover for phones,i told my friend

me:kat sini ade jual condom for bb tak
my friend:weehhh..kau suka mencarut kan..
me:laaahhh..apenye..betullah..ade tak jual..aku tanye ni kan
my friend:kau suka lah..tgk org lain..semue pandang kite

bile tgk yesss mmg betul semue pndang kiteorang..ahahahah...malu...kat sini tak panggil condom ke?ahahah,.shitto..then we teruskan pegi old town take a look..


ok now lemme begin my story..kat rumah sewa ni adelah pakai p1wimax tu..but the problem is..ianya mcm sakai sngt..when we wanna use it..terus 'no internet access'..and we were like WTF..time nak buat assignmnt ni lah die buat bodoh dgn aku..then kiteorang teruslah ke mamak yg terdekat or lebih trkenal dgn 'RAHMAN's CORNER'

Then bile kiteorang dh smpai tu..teruslah mengonlinekan diri so that we can finish the assignmnt a.s.a.p...then tgk syiokk hbs buat bla bla bla..suddnly wifi dia dgn gampangnya we come to suggest one thing if kementerian nak proceed lah kan..ahahah...we hope sngt kementerian would provide good wifi or if yg have to ddk kat luar..they have to provide us p1 yg wiggy tu each person..likeee daaa..if tade connection internet how come nak buat keje..whatta...dh lah assignmnt bel pasal outline tu tak siap okla..better i cntinue do my assigmnt than i merapu merepek dkt sini..see yaa guys..naniteeee

begin my new destination again..and walking with my hand

for those who being followin me since past past years..thank a lot.for god sake,blog ni mcm hareemm jadah im very sorry for im kinda like to ber blogging plk so wlcome home fer hope u guys can still being with me..or else i will still blogging cos blog is going to be my place fer me to speak out loud bout matter/problem and etc around me...